a GIS process to select a suitable site for locating a hospital in London where ambulances can reach people within 10 minutes


1.what information do you need
2.What criteria would you take to fulfill the objectives?
3.How the information can be translated into data and be organized into a GIS database?
4.Determine the geographic layers that you would need?

The customer is going to answer the question herself actually.
What she needs is a deep lit review to answer them.
8th question for the sketch shoudl be skipped.
For question #4. please look for the sanitary requirements to hospitals in UK.
For question #5. She needs a detailed overview of algorithms how the information is attached and bound in form of metadata.
Q. #6 – those metadata layers describe.
derive a GIS process to select a suitable site for locating a hospital in London. Think about the process that would be involved and also the selection criteria for defining the searching scope. Then the map layers you will need to execute the GIS site-selection analysis.

Also before you start the project, fill in the below questions first for it will help you to conceptualize the process better and derive a much successful analysis.
1. What is the objective of your project ?
2. What information do you need?

3. Where is your study area?


4. What criteria would you take to fulfill the objective?

5. How the information can be translated into data and be organized into a GIS database?

6. Determine the geographic layers that you would need?

7. How would you get these data?

8. Sketch your GIS Analysis Plan?



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