Business research

Develop an envisioned methodology and design for your dissertation research topic based on WHEN SYSTEMS RESISTS USERS also
1)    identify the strengths and weaknesses of the envisioned method and design
2)    justify why the chosen method and design would be most appropriate for your research questions.
3)    On the your chosen method and design, discuss

why alternative methods/designs would be less desirable for your study.
4)    Analyze and explain the criteria for selection of a research method.

see chapter 8

Business Research

Business Research

The book for this course is:

Sikmund, W., Babin, B., Carr, J., & Griffin, M. (2013.) Business research methods (9th Ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

The assignment is:

In developing a questionnaire, there are no concrete rules. Some guidelines have been developed to avoid the most common mistakes. Common mistakes include too much complexity, leading and loaded questions, ambiguity, double-barreled items, and making assumptions.

"Read Case 15.1 on pages 364-368 of the text.

?Describe what is well done on the questionnaire, and identify areas in which it might be strengthened with regard to design and wording.

?What is the significance of the decisions made about design and wording?

?How might changes to this questionnaire better reflect its objectives?

Next, design eight additional questions that you, as a researcher working on this project, might ask. Include both open-ended and fixed-alternative questions. Describe what options you considered when developing these questions."


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