chemistry lab safety rules
Safety Rules and Laboratory Procedures
For many of the investigations you will complete in this lab class. your “Elma” Win fem”
Wfic safety information regarding the chemicals or procedures yon Will use- Inslw°l°fi W‘” do
their best to provide a safe warking environment for all the students. Howevcf. Yo” have a
reSlJt-lmiibility to everyone in the lab to understand and follow the safety rules listed below. For
CVeI’YOnC’s protection. your instructor will strictly enforce the safety rules. Failure to abide by
them may result in your dismissal from the class.
0 Plan your intestigations in advance. Many lab accidents occur because the experiment is
poorly planned or disorganized. A well-planned experiment not only reduces accidental risk.
but Will also ensure that your data collection will proceed in a smooth manner.
0 Experiments must be approved by your instructor. While we encourage creativity in solving
the problems we pose in this manual. your instructor must approve your experimental designs.
Each investigation requires a formal proposal to your instructor before you can proceed with
your experiments. (Sec page 2 for a discussion of lab proposals.) Your instructor WI“
approve your proposal alter careful consideration and discussion of safety implications. if you
choose to modify a common procedure. your modification must also be approved by your
0 Never work in the laboratory alone or without your instructor present. If an accident occurs
an authority must be present to hasten medical attention. Also. you should always be present
while your experiments are in progress.
o Food and beverages are not allowed in the laboratory. Even if you plan to consume them
outside of lab. you run the risk of chemical contamination. This applies to chewing gum and
chewing tobacco. as well. You should store your personal effects away from your work area.
o Smoking in the laboratory is prohibited. for obvious reasons. Flammable solvents are often
present in the lab and can easily explode or ignite in the presence of a flame. You also run the
risk of chemical contamination of your cigarettes (as if they don‘t already have enough toxic
chemicals in them).
o Immediatelir report all injuries, including minor ones, to your instructor. The presence of
chemicals can complicate even minor cuts.
o Recommendation: Get health insurance. We recommend that anyone ctn’olled in a chemistry
course obtain personal health insurance. Enrollment in comes