
Two pg prospectus


Paper instructions:
Remember, per your textbook, “develop a simple, bulleted outline of the information you plan to cover in your introduction, one sample body paragraph, including at least one integrated source; and your conclusion. As you bullet out the order of information in these paragraphs, look for continuity between the introduction and conclusion, as well as how clearly the body paragraph connects to the introduction and conclusion. Furthermore, be sure to demonstrate that you understand the body paragraph’s relation to other body paragraphs as well as the different topics that can be contained within a body paragraph. Lastly, be sure to demonstrate that ideas transition not only between paragraphs but also within them” (3.26).

Don’t skimp on the outline–provide me a nice solid demonstration of what you plan on doing in your paper. Show me your transitions, where you will use sources, and, as the directions say, craft a body paragraph. I suggest perhaps even turning in the introduction (along with your thesis) and your first body paragraph. The more you give me, the more I can comment on what you’ve done and move you towards completing a great final essay. Most importantly, those who craft strong outline often craft strong essays. Here is the rubric for the assignment:




ENG Composition Research Essay Outline Guidelines and Rubric
You will use an organizational technique to organize your evidence under each major point. The choice of organizational tool is your own. However, if you chose to use a visual organizer it must contain all the required elements and you must be able to save the file in a format that can be added and easily displayed within a word document. Your instructor will use the word document to review your outline and provide you with feedback. Click on the Research Essay Outline Guidelines and Rubric document to review the elements that the outline must contain and upon which you will be graded.
Develop a simple, bulleted outline of the information you plan to cover in your introduction, one sample body paragraph, including at least two integrated sources; and your conclusion. As you bullet out the order of information in these paragraphs, look for continuity between the introduction and conclusion, as well as how clearly the body paragraph connects to the introduction and conclusion. Furthermore, be sure to demonstrate that you understand the body paragraph’s relation to other body paragraphs as well as the different topics that can be contained within a body paragraph. Lastly, be sure to demonstrate that ideas transition not only between paragraphs but also within them.
The selected format and structure is of your own choosing but should be added and easily displayed within a word document. The sources and citations within the outline should adhere to all APA or MLA standards of formatting using at least two resources from those qualified in the Annotated Bibliography.

Critical Elements Distinguished Proficient Emerging Not Evident Value
Organization Selected organizational structure enhances meaning and transitions are highly effective
(18-20) Selected organizational structure is sound and ideas flow logically


(16-17) Selected organizational structure is difficult to follow at times, and there is a lapse in the logical flow of ideas

(14-15) Selected organizational structure is confused and ideas lack clarity


(0-13) 20
Identifies a clear thesis that responds to selected research question

(18-20) Identifies possible thesis that that is relevant to the selected research question

(16-17) Identifies a possible thesis but it is unclear how it relates to the selected research question

(14-15) Does not identify a clear thesis that is relevant to the selected research question

(0-13) 20
Body Paragraph(s) Identifies topics with concrete and specific details about each that relate to thesis

(18-20) Identifies topics with relevant details about each that relate to thesis
(16-17) Identifies topics but lacks relevant details in how each relates to thesis
(14-15) Does not identify topics

(0-13) 20
Conclusion Identifies topic that will wrap up paper with details that connect it to the thesis without restating it

(18-20) Identifies topic that will wrap up paper with details that demonstrate relevance to thesis

(16-17) Identifies topic that will up paper but lacks relevant details in how it relates to thesis

(14-15) Does not identify topic that will wrap up paper


(0-13) 20
Source Evidence Identifies more than two sources connecting them to separate topics in body paragraph(s)
(9-10) Identifies at least two sources connecting them separate topics in body paragraph(s)
(8) Identifies at least two sources but does not connect them to separate topics in body paragraph(s)
(7) Does not identify at least two sources

(0-6) 10
Control of Syntax & Mechanics Adheres to the conventions of grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and usage with few errors to impact readability
(9-10) Adheres to the conventions of grammar, punctuations, mechanics, and usage with minor errors that do not impact readability
(8) Adheres to the conventions of grammar, punctuations, mechanics, and usage with minor errors that impact readability
(7) Does not adhere throughout to the conventions of grammar, punctuations, mechanics, and usage hindering readability throughout
(0-6) 10
Earned Total:
Comments: 100%





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