Demonstrate skills in grantsmanship by generating a fundable research proposal based on community trials methodology.

Demonstrate skills in grantsmanship by generating a fundable research proposal based on community trials methodology.

Order Description

Dased on the weeks readings what are the advantages and disadvantages of the analytic approaches used in the course case studies (CATCH, Project Northland, COMMIT and Pawtucket)?

A) Identify the types of public health research questions for which the appropriate study design is the community intervention trial.

B) Describe the methodological considerations in the use of the community intervention trial design.

C) Discuss common issues involved in the implementation of community intervention research.

D) Formulate a plan for the statistical analysis of community intervention study data.

E) Explain the ethical dilemmas and concerns inherent in community intervention research efforts.

F) Critically evaluate published reports describing studies, which have used the community intervention trial design.

G) Demonstrate skills in grantsmanship by generating a fundable research proposal based on community trials methodology.
Required Text(s) and Other Materials to be Furnished by the Student:
1-Murray, D. M. (1998). Design and analysis of group-randomized trials. New York: Oxford University Press.
2-Blumenthal, D.S., DiClemente R.J. (2013). Community-Based Participatory Health Research (2nd ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
3-Required articles. There is a list provided within the Course Information section. Please note that some of these articles are available full-text from the Walden library. All others have been included in the required course reading packet available from the Walden Online Bookstore.
4-Week 1 includes additional references to Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Examples of Community Intervention Trials. Please do avail yourselves of these additional resources, which will help greatly as you complete the assignments.


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