Review the chapter 16 closing case: Avon Call on Foreign Markets. Fully answer at least two of the six questions at the end of the case:

  1. The chapter describes different marketing orientations. Discuss the applicability of each to Avon’s international operations.
  2. Why is Avon so much more dependent on its foreign operations than on its home (U.S.) operations?
  3. Discuss socioeconomic and demographic changes that could affect Avon.
  4. How might a global recession, such as the one that began in 2008, impact Avon’s operations?
  5. What are the major competitive advantages that Avon has? How easily might other companies duplicate these advantages?
  6. Avon does not sell within the United States in retail establishments (with the exception of kiosks handled by some of its reps). What are the pros and cons of distributing that way?

Minimum of 250 words not plagiarized with cited work.



Review the chapter 20 closing case: Tel-Comm-Tek (TCT). Fully answer at least two of the five questions at the end of the case:

  1. Which candidate should the committee nominate for the assignment? Why?
  2. What challenges might each candidate encounter in the position?
  3. How might TCT go about minimizing the challenges facing each candidate?
  4. Should TCT offer all candidates the same compensation package? If not, what factors should influence the features of each package?
  5. Returning the material covered in Chapter 15, specifically that dealing with the idea of a matrix organization, do you see any benefit to appointing two of the individuals described here to the post? Operationally, one individual would be in charge of internal affairs, and the other would manage external affairs. What might be the benefits and problems with this arrangement? 

Global Marketing

Global Marketing

Critically assess the advantages and disadvantages of the globalisation of supermarkets (FMCG) to the consumer, suppliers and other stakeholders.

Outline the factors that have caused the globalisation of this market. Lastly, critically discuss factors that may limit the globalization of this


Global price standardisation is both desirable and easily achievable. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement. Outline factors

that influence price when marketing to different countries/markets. Illustrate your answer using Apples’ iPhone as an example.

You have recently joined the marketing team of the fashion retailer H&M. Its aim is become a leading brand in the Middle East (particularly Dubai).
You are asked to discuss the nature and benefits of a standardised global communications strategy against a more country by country based strategy

for the Company with the objective to secure future revenues in the Middle East region.

‘KFC’ is an American fast food company which provides a range of fried chicken pieces, wraps and meals. The company is about to enter the Japanese

market for the first time. The Managing Director has recently said in the US national press “The Japanese will love our food and enjoy sharing in the

American Dream”.
You are a new recruit to the marketing team at KFC and have been asked to prepare notes for a presentation on the importance and impact of culture on

their proposed expansion to Japan and the likely impact on revenues.


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