history of rock and roll

Each paper should be 3-5 pages, double spaced, 12 pt type.  Please refer to the MLA stylesheet for questions of form.   These papers may be written solely based on your own thoughts and insight, however, you may also utilize outside sources if you research your topics.  As a general rule, cite anything that you have to look up.  You can pull anyone else’s ideas into your paper as part of the discussion, but give them credit.

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The topic needs to be about what I have listed below in detail:


Rock and Roll and Sex.  People are often surprised to learn that the term “rock and roll” is actually early 20th century African American slang for sex, but there’s no secret that rock and roll was sexually liberated young people’s music.  How important was sexual freedom, sexual expression, and sexual transgression in rock from the 1950s and 60s?  Give some specific examples and discuss the results of those examples

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History of Rock and Roll

History of Rock and Roll
Choose any performer or band from the lecture, book, or your own experience. The paper should have three components to it.
1. A brief historical sketch
2. Career highlights.
3. And most important, one quarter of your paper should express why this music has meaning to you.

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