
Help me study for my Social Science class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

A) The Russian Domain (600 words)

1. Compare the climate, vegetation, and agricultural conditions of Russia’s European west with those of Siberia and the Russian Far East.

2. Describe some of the high environmental costs of industrialization within the Russian domain.

3. Discuss how major river and rail corridors have shaped the geography of population and economic development in the region. Provide specific examples.

4. Contrast Soviet and post-Soviet migration patterns within the Russian domain, and discuss the changing forces at work.

5. Describe some of the major land-use zones in the modern Russian city, and suggest why it is important to understand the impact of Soviet-era planning within such settings.

6. What were the key phases of colonial expansion during the rise of the Russian Empire, and how did each enlarge the reach of the Russian state?

7. What are some of the key ethnic minority groups within Russia and the neighboring states, and how have they been recognized in the region’s geopolitical structure?

8. Describe how centralized planning created a new economic geography across the former Soviet Union. What is its lasting impact?

9. Briefly summarize the key strengths and weaknesses of the post-Soviet Russian economy and suggest how globalization has shaped its evolution.

B) In your opinion, does the greenhouse effect exist? What about ozone depletion? (150 words)


Most people are apprehensive about this course during the first week of the term, because they do not know what Philosophy actually is or what to expect in a Philosophy course. You have had seven weeks to figure it out, and while you might still have some unanswered questions, you know a lot more than you did when you made your Introductions.

Would you have felt more comfortable when the course began if some student who had already taken PL201 sent you a letter in which he or she shared their experiences in the course? Most people would answer, “Yes.” Because, no matter how reassuring the Instructor sounds during the first week, a first-hand account from a former student seems a lot more credible than do the platitudes from someone who spent way too many years in college, studying this stuff in detail.

So, here is your chance to be that “former student” and to share your wisdom and what you have learned with someone who will be entering the course, possibly knowing even less than you did when you started PL201. And, keep in mind that there is a good possibility that these “Letters to a new student” could, in fact, become something that new students can actually read. So, you want to be honest, be precise, and try not to scare them away! 🙂

Here are some things that would be useful to new students, and you can probably even think of others that are not mentioned here.

• If you were apprehensive at the start of the course and have decided that this class ended up being a lot better than you thought it would be, be sure to start your letter with that information, since it will calm the new student immediately.

• At what point did you decide that there might be something useful in the course? What was it, and why did you think that it might end up being useful?

• What is the most important thing that you learned about yourself while taking the course? How is figuring out that detail about yourself important to you?

• Who was your favorite philosopher and why? (If you have more than one, feel free to discuss them all!)

• What is the most surprising thing you learned during the course?

• Which week(s) did you enjoy the most, and why? Which week(s) did you enjoy the least, and why?

• What is the most useful skill that you acquired that you will be able to use in either future classes or in your “real” life? How will you use it?

• Is there something that you wish your Student Advisor had mentioned when he or she signed you up for the course? More than likely, it was the answer to the question, “What is Philosophy?” Could you explain what philosophy is in one or two sentences that might be helpful for Student Advisors to mention to students? How would you explain it?

• What else would you like to tell a new PL201 student that you wish someone had told you during the first week of class?

• Any final comments


When cells are specialized to perform a specific function, anatomists have discovered that some of the organelles are found in greater quantities and others are found in lesser quantities. Choose two tissues within the body and describe their functions. Then, compare the relative quantity of specific organelles within those tissues’ cells. How do the quantities of organelles allow the tissues to accomplish the functions you described?


1. Read carefully about the real motives of the 9/11 highjackers on pages 147 and 162 of The 9/11 Commission Report at:http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/911/report/911Report.pdf (follow the pagination appearing on the Report, NOT the pagination appearing on your computer screen).
2. Read carefully the three-paragraph section titled “Anti-American Attitudes” on pages 14 and 15 of the Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Strategic Communication: http://ftp.fas.org/irp/agency/dod/dsb/commun.pdf
3. Read carefully pages 1-4 of The Palestine-Israel Conflict and the United States presentation:http://faculty.indstate.edu/melyassini/Geography%20of%20the%20Palestine-Israel%20Conflict%20and%20the%20USA–Why%20Do%20They%20Hate%20Us.pdf
4. Read the synopsis of the video “Letter to America,” watch the video “Reel Bad Arabs,” and watch the three short video clips (involving statements and/or revealtions by former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Congressman and vice chairman of the 9/11 Commission Lee Hamilton, and former CIA officer michael Scheuer).
Based EXCLUSIVELY on these short readings and these videos, write a 200 to 300 word-essay in which you provide TWO brief and documented answers to the TWO critical questions that seem to come to the ‘American’ mind whenever we mention or discuss the Middle East or U.S.-Middle East relations: (1) “Why do they hate us, and why do we hate them?” and (2) Why are U.S. political elites so indifferent to the sufferings of the Palestinian people while so committed to Zionism and the State of Israel and so loud and clear about their commitment? In this context, the term “Zionism” refers to the international colonial movement designed to make Palestine an exclusively extraterritorial nation-state for world Jewry by dispossessing and expelling the native Muslim and Christian Arab Palestinians. due Sunday night


Project description
1. Use Excel to simulate the following 2 activities.

Toss a coin 100 times and read its upward facing side. Assign a “1” to a head and a “0” to a tail. Let “X” be the random variable representing the outcome of each

toss. Use 8787 for the random seed. (Due to a flaw in Random Number Generation in Analysis ToolPak of Excel, you may need to select “Normal” in the field,

“Distribution:”, in order to enter the random seed before selecting “Discrete” in the field, “Distribution:”.)

Roll a die 100 times and read its upward facing side. Let “Y” be the random variable representing the number of dots on the upward facing side. Use 3434 for the

random seed. The 2 different random seeds ensure that Excel simulates (1) tossing the coin and (2) rolling the die as independent activities.

Let W = X + Y.

Set up your Excel spreadsheet in such a way that you can do part (e) by merely updating the simulated outcomes for the 2nd activity: rolling the die 100 times.

(a) Calculate the sample mean and the sample variance of the 100 values for X. Calculate the population mean (μX) and the population variance (σX2) and compare

them to the sample mean and the sample variance, respectively.

(b) Calculate the sample mean and the sample variance of the 100 values for Y. Calculate the population mean (μY) and the population variance (σY2) and compare

them to the sample mean and the sample variance, respectively.

(c) Calculate the sample mean and the sample variance of the 100 values for W. Calculate the population mean (μW) and the population variance (σW2) and compare

them to the sample mean and the sample variance, respectively. To calculate the population variance (σW2), use the equation in part (d) with ρ = 0.

(d) Use the sample variances to estimate the value of the correlation coefficient, ρ, in the following equation.

σW2 = σX2 + σY2 + 2ρσXσY

Is the value (of ρ) that you estimated reasonable?

(e) In the previous parts of this exercise, you used different random seeds in order to simulate the independence of the 2 activities. Redo the previous 4 parts (of

this exercise) by using the same random seed, 8787, for both activities. Using the same random seed causes the simulated outcomes of the 2 activities to be

dependent. When you calculate the population variance (σW2) in part (c), use ρ = 1.

Homework 5 is due at the beginning of class on October 15.


Please heed the following instructions.

A. For your homework submission, briefly explain the formulas that you used in Excel to do the homework. Do not print all the data.

B. After you finish your homework, use a staple to attach all its pages of paper.

C. The homework submission must be a physical document that you give to the instructor. Do not e-mail the homework submission to the instructor.


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