Human Resources (HR)

Human Resources (HR)

Training and Development in Business.Understand government led skills development initiatives

Project description
Write a short report which explains the government led skills development initiatives in the UK. Report should include :
A. Explain the role of government in training, development and lifelong learning in U.K. ( ex. Provide funding to employees to study – Level 2 English/Math for people over 25 years old or Higher Level courses ex. NVQ level 1-8 and GCSE …… Fund ICT courses ……. Two departments was responsible for developing education and training ”Department of education” and ” Department of Business Innovations and Skills” …….. Facilitate training and development through agencies …. government work in partnership with industry…….. UK Gov. raise awareness and promote and encourage life long learning philosophy
B. Explain how the development of the competency movement has impacted on the public and private sectors. Explain how the Emirates Airline Group have adopted this process (ex.: competencies for recruitment ; occupational standards : IATA : EDEXCEL)
C. Assess (advantages and disadvantages / negative and positive aspects / make judgement) how contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government contribute to human resources development for Rolls Royce ( ex. R.R. set up training school for getting job / R.R. support women ….)
D. Appendices : contain summarized UK Government initiatives

Guidance Notes:
The UK government has recently led various initiatives to ensure that the UK work force is up to date and skilled. Discuss UK Government approaches to learning and development in the UK and include the following organizations, training schemes and initiatives in report.
• QCA , Teaching Agency, Standards and Testing Agency and OFQUAL
• Skills Funding Agency
• Sector Skills Council (SSC’s)
• Learn direct
• Investors in People (IIP)
• National Skills Academies
• Apprenticeship Schemes
• New Deal
• Train to Gain
• NVQ’s

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