Critique a scholarly article over Human Rights issue. A summary of the main points of the article, a statement on the authors presentation of that data, own critique of the main points and data. An assessment on the contribution of the article to the field of human rights. Article: Childhood Experiences of Sexual Violence, Pregnancy, and Marriage Associated With Child Sex Trafficking Among Female Sex Workers in Two US–Mexico Border Cities
Human Trafficking
Required Thesis/Research Paper Students are required to complete a research paper by the due date indicated. The purpose of this exercise is to have the student familiarized with current research methodologies as well as enhancing writing, verbal and analytic skills. Students are required to present their research paper to the class on prescribed date. The research paper/ thesis will utilize APA Publication Manual (6th ) edition standards and will be of no specific length or minimum. The paper must have numerous referred references from scholarly journals or articles. The topic of the paper must be discussed with and approved by the instructor by the fourth class meeting. Students will be graded on thoroughness of researched topic, quality and content of the paper. As a future criminal justice practitioner, students must learn how to read, write, research, and formulate ideas effectively to be successful. Research Paper Guidelines The research paper is designed to provide an opportunity for each student to conduct research on relevant issues discussed within the course and overall administration of criminal justice. All papers must conform to the guidelines presented below: 1. Use the American Psychological Association (APA) reference style. 2. The paper should be at least 10 (typed and double spaced) pages in length, excluding the title page, references and appendices. 3. Include a Title Page, Abstract and Reference Page. Appendices are optional. 4. The paper must include an introduction, body and conclusion. 5. The paper also must include a thorough examination of a contemporary topic or issue related to the Administration of Justice. 6. The paper must include the following components: (a) the problem (b) historical context, (c) review of the literature (specific to topic), (d) policy implications (e) directions for future research. (i.e. introduction, body, conclusion) 7. Further guidelines and instructions regarding the research paper will be posted to the course file account. Also include statistical information on human trafficking from the state of Tennessee Touch on the points of safe harbor laws, end slavery Tennessee, human trafficking task force, and national human trafficking hotline. Discuss the human trafficking problem in Tennessee
Human trafficking
Rhetorical Situation: For this assignment, you must write a coherent, grammatically correct academic argumentative essay (500-750 words) in which you will take and defend a position on an issue.
Topic: Any applicable current event.
Assignment Overview: In this assignment, you will use your writing and research skills to create a scholarly, well-constructed argumentative paper. You will begin by using the material we cover in class to help you identify and narrow the topic you will write on to formulate an argumentative thesis that will serve as the basis of your paper. Also, you will be doing exercises in class that will help you learn to transform the general framework of your argument into paragraphs that support your claims with evidence and cogent analysis, and transfer paragraphs into a coherent extended argument.
I chose the topic of human trafficking, specifically migrants being trafficked and forced to work
The conclusion has to include a proposed solution
Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking Modern Slavery has no gender preference
argue the topic “That women and children are not only victims of human trafficking men are also victims.