Impact of a priority health issue on a population group and implication for the nurse
This assignment requires you to choose a group of people living in the community and explore how a health issue impacts on their health. You will also consider how this issue can be addressed within the Australian health care system and the implications for the role of the nurse or other health care professional
This assessment will take the form of a report. A template containing the report format to be used for this assessment can be downloaded from the course assessment 3 folder (within the assessment folder) in the course online resources.
This assignment requires you to choose one of the following as the topic of your project*:
• Overseas born people and mental health issues
• Overseas born people and diabetes
• Indigenous Australians and mental health issues
• Indigenous Australians and diabetes
*Note: Please negotiate with your class lecturer if you would prefer to focus on a sub-population group within the above population with an alternative priority health issue for this assessment item. You will need to do this by week 9 of the study period.
• Introduction (100 words).State the population group and health issue you have chosen to explore. Provide an overview of the body of the assignment.
• Part A –Impact on the individual (300 words) Explain the impact of this issue on the health of the individual (You will need to explore the psychological, social and cultural impact of the condition and support your discussion with references. You are NOT required to discuss signs and symptoms of specific diseases).
• Part B – Impact on the family (300 words)Explain the impact of this issue on the health of the family. (You will need to explore the psychological, social and cultural impact of the condition on the family and support your discussion with references)
• Part C – Population impact (200 words)Explain the impact on the group from a population perspective. (Support your discussion with references).
• Part D – Implications for the role of the nurse (1000 words)Discuss the implications of parts A, B and C for the role of the nurse working within the Australian health care system, including the primary health care sector. (Please consider cultural awareness, knowledge, sensitivity and respecting individual differences around perspectives of health, healing practices and health care expectations. Support your discussion with references).
• Conclusion (100 words) Summarise your findings.
The assignment should include:
• Headings and sub-headings to clearly identify the part of the assignment you are answering. There is a suggested template you can use to set out this assignment which can be found on the moodle site.
• Logical planning and sequencing
• At least six quality references in the reference list, including your textbook.
• Referencing using the Harvard referencing system
• A correctly completed assignment cover sheet.
• Please be sure to submit this in class to the lecturer in a hard copy with the marking rubric stapled to your paper. You may also email a copy and you are expected to submit your assignment via Turnitin. This will deliver a similarity score to previously written assignments.