Management Information Systems and Business Strategy

Management Information Systems and Business Strategy

The network as “somewhere else”: everything as a service and the idea of “the cloud”
Prepare a brief paper describing what you’ve heard about
how people use shared groupwork tools
— any information processing
activities involving the joint effort of people separated in time and/or space and sharing their common information “in the cloud”.

perhaps it’s based on some earlier experience of your own, perhaps on conversations with others and second-hand reports, perhaps
it’s just by reading about them, perhaps just on speculation projected from anything that you have heard.
Describe what you’ve
heard about utilization — benefits, problems, things to come, etc.
Think about what you might be able to do if you did have full
access to such tools — either taking advantage of them to do things that you might want to do, or protecting yourself against their
use if you don’t like them.
Basically, your task here is to review what you know and don’t know about such groupwork tools, and
relate them to your own purposes and goals and potential behavior.
Feel free to extrapolate from what you do know to what you
don’t know — just make it clear when you are doing so.
Remember, the aim is to relate the topic to your own experiences of it,
present or future.
The following items will be assessed in particular:
The degree to which you have carried out the assignment completely, or clarified why you could not and investigated
Your ability to describe your experiences clearly and draw conclusions from them, not just narrate events
Your ability to focus on the overall purposes of the assignment, not just its specific steps
Your use of some in-text references to what you have read; please cite all sources properly
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