marketing plan

Topic: marketing plan
Mission statement
Happy meal mission statement is:
Happy meal aims to create a healthy food with all nutrient and vitamins that students need, in order to develop cognitive
skills and a healthier lifestyle, this food is to be sold in educational institutions, at affordable prices, as a lunch
• We are dedicated to continuously provide quality food made from a great range of ingredients that provide students in
schools with the daily mix of nutrients, vitamins and proteins they need to achieve a high school performance.
• We are innovation and design leaders with our unique teams of nutritionists, who have worked hard to create a dynamic
healthy Lunch boxes, focused on student of all educational levels. These boxes are different at each educational level,
depending on each lifestyles and needs required at each level.
• We are consumer focused and this is why innovation on the meals is a priority, we move with students towards their educational process, however, we do not only focus on students but we also focus on their parents as healthy kids is they mayor concern.
• We are committed to provide the healthiest of the meal to students, therefore encourage a healthy diet to stop obesity, heart diseases amongst adolescents.
Corporate objectives
As a corporation we aim to maintain the healthy food standards and reputation with all our current clients. Another important objective is to spread the business to other schools and other states, by promoting the idea of healthy eating amongst students. Create a profit that allows us to maintain and improve our quality standards that help us open the market to other educational institutions or to different segments on the target market.

Marketing Objectives
• Create health awareness and prevent obesity, heart disease, diabetes and many other illnesses that are related to not
having a daily healthy diet.
• Create a close relationship with our consumers, to keep innovating our meals and development as a brand.

Communicational objective
• Change students’ perception of healthy food as “boring” and encourage them to have a healthy lifestyle.
• Spread a contemporary idea of healthy lunch and meals, as an alternative to prevent serious illnesses, our meal have
been carefully design to provide all nutrients that our customers need.
Target Market
On the first stage, the foundation of our company was under the basis to give the community something back, we believe
customers are the most important factor of in our business. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2007), “during
2004 NSW Schools Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (SPANS), showed that at least 26% of boys and 24% of girls in aged
5-16 years were overweight or obese, compared with 11% of all young people aged 7-16 years in 1985 (COO 2006).”
Also it was found that:
“During 2004, 982 new cases of Type 1 diabetes were recorded in children aged under 15 years, which equates to an annual
incidence of 24.6 per 100,000 population (around 1 in 4,000) in that age group (AIHW 2006).”(AIHW 2005; cited in Australian
Bureau of Statistics, 2007) Through this research, we were able to create our brand and create a very specific target market and mission statement.Primary target marketBased on the research, regarding increasing level of obesity and overweight, amongst children of botgendersaged 5-16 years, we also include students who present weight below the average, after we look at this facts we design a target market profile.The healthy lunch box was finally decided to be targeted to students at primary and secondary educational institutions. Students in our target are described as: ‘girls and boys aged 6- 15 years, enrolled in an educational institution (primary or secondary) in Canberra, ACT. This is still a very wide concept, so it will be subdivided in order to narrow it.Primary school students aged 6- 11 years, who are mostly attracted to unhealthy food, low awareness of the hazard that junk food represent, students facing weight disorders. This is an easy target to reach, however was a risky try, this is and age group, in which physical activity seem to be an essential activity, thus meal should be thought in the way to provide as much energy and nutrient as the children need, also a meal that consist on a well proportioned ration of mixed vegetables and meats low in calories but high in energy and fiber. Secondary school students aged 12-16 years males and females, who have a lot of social pressure on the way the look, students with low physical activity, most susceptive to be attracted to fast food, this student do not carry a very “healthy diet” as they spend more time outside home, student hardly influenced by media.This age target group is a very hard sector in the society, those student are willing to be considered “cool” rather that a healthy person. It is hard to reach the consumers, however the innovative lunch box or meals, it cover this aged group, as it deliver quality and healthy in different persuasive way, promoted by models and famous artist. The aim is to provide student with the nutrients and energy, students need to perform well at classes and exams. The organization is concerned that the target chosen is one of the hardest market to work with, because of the social pressure related to their image. The problem will be mostly faced with teenager aged 12-16; however our brand is looking
forward work together with families.
Secondary Target Market
Secondary target seeks to cover all educational levels, as an organization we are concerned of the importance of carry on a
healthy diet while studying, this is why, second target will be college and university student.
Second target is profiled as a group ages 17 – 23 years, more mature people, that is concern about their health, are
currently students, people which income is average, people that lack of an eating timetable, lack of exercise, people who
might be always in a hurry.
This lunch or meals program will provide in few snacks or meal all the nutrients they need to keep fit, gain energy and
maintain a healthy diet, at all times. This new idea has an innovative design, great features and affordable prices for everyone.
General market
Happy meal is generally directed to families of all social status, who believe that healthy diet is an important feature on
their every day routine. The organization aim is to prevent serious illness and create awareness in all sector in society.
Through our research, it was seen that the problems begin outside home, this is why a prevention programs from an early age
is important.
Since this product “happy meal” do not just involve children but also their families, it have been decide to work as a
support for those parent, who work and have to time to prepare a healthy lunch, so our product will be the best option for
those people.
This product will be targeted to children, currently attending to a primary or secondary school, which general market
involves complete families.
Positioning strategy
The project “happy meal” aim to become an essential product amongst families in the ACT, building a product with such
features hard to overcome by competitors. As a organization, we aim to become children favourite meal, and parents best
The organization is to enter in the market with a complete new idea of provide healthy food, different package, persuasive
names; with will be high in nutrients, vitamins, proteins, etc, helping children on their growing process. This idea also
seeks to assure parents that their children are not being given any food but a quality food, not different to a homemade
In this way, we aim to passionate “happy meal” as an essential product in the market, specially for all those busy parents,
have simply no time to prepare a balance lunch for their children to carry school.
The Marketing Mix
Marketing mix comprises of 4 Ps namely, product, place, price and promotion. Studying these forms the basis of the existence
of any product.
Product: happy lunch box
In our point of view we can c that kids around Australia need a healthy food to boost their energy and help them concentrate
and learn more. The primary school going children in Canberra and other towns provide a good market for food products. Food
is often sold to the pupils through convenience stores that are located in close proximity to the schools or inside the
schools. This project is dubbed (happy lunch box) and seeks to establish a network that will deliver a quality food product
to pupils, beginning with schools around Canberra. Recent studies have established that there are increasing cases of child
obesity that can be linked to the heavy marketing of energy dense, nutrient poor foods which in turn influences food
consumption among the school going children. There is agent need to provide nutritious products such as low sugar/ high fiber
cereal meals such as rice and pasta noodles; reduced fat dairy such as cheddar and ricotta; sandwiches and salads; meat and
other alternatives such as fish, legumes and eggs; and fruits and other fruit products. School meal will provide a core and
healthy food product to primary school going children at affordable prices. The school meal will be in form of a pancake
that will be coated with breadcrumbs with minced beef, chicken, pork, alhlal meat(for Muslim people), peanut butter, chickpeas or tuna…, The school meal product will be available and sold through small stores in Canberra primary schools. in the Future this company will except any Suggestions for improving school meals included improving the taste and appearance of food, offering a wider variety of foods, serving more fresh fruit and vegetables, lowering the price, increasing the serving sizes, teaching food service workers how to cook, and offering more condimentsObjectives of happy lunch box
The company seeks to achieve the following objectives within the first year of operation
• To make school meal a model food product that provides core health needs for primary school going children around Canberra.
• The company also seeks to generate profits beginning the first month of operations
• The project also aims at maintaining a gross margin of 70 percent.

Keys to success
• Colorful, well designed and attractive small shops will be established inside the compounds of primary schools.

• The employees will be trained on the proper methods of food production, handling techniques.

• Appropriate marketing strategies will be used to attract and retain customers, and to ensure that the sale of high
margin products is maximized

The company will use all the available methods to ensure that its school meal product is of high quality to benefit pupils in
Canberra primary schools. School meal will enhance the health status of its customers by providing core nutrient values that
are required for proper development. The company will make use of its profits to expand in other areas and ensure high levels of employee satisfaction.Branding and Packaging
The food product produced by the company will be referred to as ‘school meal’. The school meal will be available in different
forms to ensure that pupils take what they prefer. The product will basically be composed of the following ingredients the
food product (happy meal box) will be packaged as a store brand and will be distributed in the company’s outlets to schools,
The school meal will be packaged in deferent color of boxes, Each color symbolizes of deferent kind of the meat inside it for
example, the yellow box is chicken, the red box is meat or pork, green box is vegetables with low-fat and the brown box is
halal food….. One piece I each box, the food product will be packaged as a store brand and will be distributed in the
company’s outlets inside the schools. Each product will weigh approximately 500 grams and will be sufficient for one meal.
The packaging of the product will be carried out while paying attention to the laid down rules on packaging of food products.
After preparation and packaging, the school meal product will be able to stay for about one to two days at room temperature.
Frozen products will stay longer, for periods of up to one week. The product will be best served warm. Therefore the
company’s shops located inside schools will be equipped with microwaves to warm the school meal for its customers.

Product life cycle
The school meal will be will be introduced into the Canberra schools at cost of 5dollars. The product will be expected to
pick up within a month and is expected to be popular as it will provide a quality alternative to the predominantly available
poor nutrient foods. The company will come with strategies to meet the growth in the demand for the product.
Product mix
The school meal will be mainly sold in company owned small shops located inside school compounds. The school meal will be
sold alongside other products such as fresh fruit juice, milk and fruits. These products will be included to compliment the
school and also to provide the customers with a variety of choices
Pricing strategy of happy lunch box

Pricing of the product will be based on the ability to generate profit and still remain affordable for target market. The
pricing strategy employed will seek to position the school meal product as a healthy product that is affordable. The products
will most likely retail at 5 dollars. A price that will still generate profit after deducting the cost of inventory,
preparation, transportation, taxes, packaging and other miscellaneous costs. The company’s outlets will sell other products
that can be complemented with the school meal in order to cut down on costs dedicated to the production of the school meal.
The pricing of the product’s happy lunch box are given below:
Quantity: 500 grams for each box.
Length of box: 10 inch
Depth of box: 4 inch
Width of box: 6 inch
Branding and Packaging: 1 AUD
Components: 2 AUD
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2007), ‘Health of Children in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05′.

Australian Food and Grocery Council, A Growing and Sustainable Industry, viewed 20/03/2012
Eilloott, G., Rundle-Thiele,S. & Waller, D. (2012). Marketing. (2nd ed.). Australia: WILEY.
Elliot, G, Rundle-Thiele, Waller, D, 2010, Marketing, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,
Philip, K &Keller, L 2009. A Framework for Marketing Management, Pearson Prentice Hall, New York.

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