Marketing plan for e-business

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Analyze the case study assigned to you at the outpatient clinic. Create a holistic care plan for disease prevention, health promotion, and acute care of the patient in

the clinical case. Your care plan should be based on current evidence and nursing standards of care. Scholarly article within last 5 years.
Next determine the ICD-9 classification (diagnoses). The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) is the official

system used in the United States to classify and assign codes to health conditions and related information.
•Search term page to identify the codes applicable to the care plan.
•This link will lead to an excel version of the latest codes:

Genitourinary Clinical Case
A 60-year-old Hispanic male presents with the chief complaint of decreased urinary flow. The patient has been experiencing this over the past two years, but for the

past two weeks, the symptoms have increased significantly. The current symptoms are similar to what he experienced in the past. However, for the past two weeks, he has

had increased nocturia, with decreased strength of urinary flow and slight terminal dysuria. Patient has had no treatment in the past. The nocturia has been very

troublesome over the past two weeks. Yesterday he had significant difficulty in starting his urine flow and this is interfering with daily activities. He needs to pass

urine four to five times every night. He has been urinating frequently and always needs to know if there are bathrooms around.
Patient does not complain of any other radiating pain. He has had no treatment or diagnostic work up in the past, but now the symptoms have been increasing in

severity. He believes he had a low-grade fever yesterday. The patient is not sure what is going on but thinks he may have cancer. He had significant obstructive

symptoms two days ago. Gradual worsening of symptoms has compelled him to seek medical help now.
Patient has not sought any medical care for this problem to date. He is being treated for hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. There is no known history of heart

disease, but he was hospitalized five years ago as a suspected case of angina. He was diagnosed with chest wall syndrome for which he was treated and then released.

There are no recent hospitalizations and no surgeries.
Denies any other positive review of systems. Denies abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting. No blood in the stool. No gross hematuria.
Cardizem 240mg daily
Zocor 20mg daily
Patient is compliant with the prescribed regimen and knows why he is being treated.
No known drug allergies
Patient has a master’s degree in engineering and his income is $65,000.00 per year. Though the patient is educated, he lacks an understanding of resources available to

him. Patient has no problems with finances. He has excellent access to healthcare, but most often does not utilize the services to the extent that is expected. He has

an excellent health insurance coverage including a prescription plan.
Patient is married and his spouse has excellent general health. He has two grown-up sons who live with their own families. They are 35 and 37 years old, both alive and

well. Although the patient has a master’s in engineering, his knowledge of healthcare is inadequate. He believes that he is generally healthy.
His perception of self-efficacy is adequate. He has very little stress. His support systems include his wife and friends from work who provide him with the required

emotional support. There is no family dysfunction. The patient is high strung and an over achiever. He gets little from social support outside the home or work.
Patient is originally from United States. He lives in a suburban setting. His resources include his wife and the people he works with. Though there are other resources

available to him, he is not sure what they are.
Smoking: Non smoker
Alcohol: Does not drink
Substance use: Denies substance abuse
His wife does most of the cooking. He believes that he gets adequate exercise, eats healthy, and maintains a regular checkup regime with his physician.
He is an engineer and has always done the same work.
He has one sister and one brother. Both are alive and well. There is a remote history of heart disease among his aunts and uncles.
Vital Signs: BP right arm sitting 140/92; T: 99 po; P:80 and regular; R 18, non-labored; Wt: 200#; Ht: 71”
Lymph Nodes: None
Lungs: Clear
Heart: RRR with Grade II/VI systolic murmur heard best at the right sternal border
Carotids: No bruits
Abdomen: Android obesity, non-tender
Rectum: Stool light brown, heme positive. Prostate enlarged, boggy and tender to palpation.
Genital/Pelvic: Circumcised, no penial lesions, masses, or discharge.Testes are descended bilaterally, no tenderness or masses
Extremities, Including Pulses: 2+ pulse throughout, no edema in the lower legs.
Neurologic: Not examined
Lab Results/Radiological Studies/EKG Interpretation
Only place your full name in the top left corner of each page (no need to put the date, time, my name, the name of the class, etc. – just your name)




Marketing plan for e-business

E-Marketing Mix: Within this part of the plan you must discuss firm?s target market, identify competitors, describe approach to advertising, explain pricing mechanisms and outline mode(s) of product/service delivery. More specifically your E-Marketing Mix should include discussion and analysis of:

Customers – who are the firm?s customers, their online behavior, their demographics, and their estimated population

Addoony is an online Qatari store that targets customers in GCC region, particularly in Qatar. As a retailer for well-known beauty products, the primary customers of Addoony are women. According to CIA World Factbook estimates, the total population of Qatar is around 2.2 million, among which the female population aged between 15- 64 in Qatar is around 349,000. For a company that focuses on selling beauty products, this population consisting of young girls to elderly women (15-64) is a good target since they are fond of using makeup products the most. Moreover, women who care about their beauty and self-image are important customers for Addoony, hence they show an interest in purchasing unique makeup products from their online website. Internet users in Qatar are prospective customers for Addoony as it is an online retail store. Buyers who seek unique beauty products which are not available in Qatar are among Addoony?s vital customer base. Moreover, unique makeup products are specially searched for by women during events like Wedding, Eid and special occasions. Makeup artists who usually purchase their products by going abroad, now have the ability to buy the same products with the help of Addoony. Some women are sensitive to normal makeup and need special beauty products that does not harm their sensitive skin. They are also prospective customers for Addoony. Additionally, the online behavior of customers vary to a great degree. Some of their customers are highly satisfied with their online website and their quick delivery system. While other customers are not happy with the delivery schedules appointed by Addoony. Many customers are hesitant in buying without trying beauty products on their skin to see if they have an allergic reaction. Thus, it can be denoted that there are many customer prospects for Addoony but at the same time each consumer shows a different behavior when it comes to purchasing beauty products online.

Competitors – who are the online competitors and what are the products that are being offered online. Take care in clearly defining the competition characteristics as the businesses consider competitor analysis to be a very important part of a marketing plan.

Addoony beauty shop faces many direct and indirect competitors in the market. Two of the strongest competitors to Addoony beauty shop are: Beauty Boutique and Beautepop, since they are both Qatari based online makeup stores that follows nearly similar way of presenting and delivering the products. The competition is also high because they sell some similar makeup brands that are desirable by customers and that are not sold in any physical store in Qatar. Addoony is the most famous online makeup store in Qatar because it wanted to be and become the pioneer in this business. To stay at the top, Addoony is working on creating their own app for mobile phones to make it easier for customer to access and purchase, as it is planning to open up a physical store in the future. In addition, Addoony is unique between its competitors because it has written a contract with a number of brands that are sold in addoony?s beauty shop, and it updated its customers if there is any new contract is written to develop and maintain customer trust and loyalty. While competitors purchase the makeup from other stores in other countries and sell them directly in their online stores without mention any source or from where they get it, that makes customers doubted the quality of the product.

Advertising and promotion ? Clearly communicate a suitable advertising and promotion strategy using online sources. Remember Internet is one online media and there may be others which can be utilized. Beautiful and appealing website is only a step towards effective advertising. You must also consider words, message, structure and such other issues when designing Internet based advertising and promotion approaches.

The Addonney Beauty Shop website is need to be improved especially with its designing and graphics to make it more appealing and attracting the visitors that?s will force customers to spend more times discovering the website and this will lead them to increase the chances of purchasing from the website. Also, they can put more features that will help attracting more customers as well as increasing the sales. In the next narrative is an illustrate of some weak points need to improved and some ways to take advantage of them.

The language of the website need to be improved by writing them in formal format to give the website more formal character to track the customers trust. Also, be very careful with choosing the terminology and the expression of both the Arabic and English language because it has a significant impact on attracting the attention of the visitors and create psyche links between the brand and visitors in order to push them buy with fully trust and conviction.

The homepage needs to improved by listing items of the logos of brands offered, so when the visitor click on them directly listed related products. Because what makes Addoney beauty different is that they are owning an exclusive and official agent for a number of well known brands in the world that not available on Qatar. Moreover, listing best sales products in the top of the homepage will attract customers attention. Adding more real pictures of the products in different positions with high quality and attached short video tutorial that describe the benefits and how they can apply it in appropriate way.

There are some additional small features that has significant impact on any website visitors, that not noticed on Addonney website. Such as, letting the customers to leave some reviews and rating on products. The statistics shows that 63% of customers are more likely to make a purchase?from a site which has user reviews. (iPerceptions, 2011). In addition, list the items out of stock and record the orders in advance on desired products. Moreover, add wish list beside the cart item, when the customers add some items on that list directly contact with them by sending reminder emails that letting your customers know that the items on their list if available on sale or will be soon sold out. These both features are available on one application named WishList + Reminder. **

Further things help in advertising and promotion are emails, Instegram and word of mouth the following paragraph is describing of each. To start with using email can be the best channel in online marketing. by sending regular newsletters that list the deals and discounts to keep you in touch with your customers often or by customizing emails to them with the things that they interested in based on their purchased history. You can take an advantage by using Emma website, they can helps in providing such service.

Also, Instagram is very useful tool to advertise business in Qatar most of family members and friends having their own accounts and they mainly focusing on the business account that enable them to live good shopping experience. What noticed with Addooney, they do good job on Instagram by reaching more than 39 thousands followers. But what needs to notice here is improving the interaction with customers by reveal behind the scenes work, like adding some pictures of the delivery employees with brief description of them to build friendly relationship with customers or using Instagram videos that shows the behind scenes of work like when they preparing and delivering the packages. Keep displaying customers pictures of Addooney products to earn social proof.

Besides that Addoney beauty shop should promote their products by letting word of mouth extremely spread by choosing power influencer who already have same target audience attention such as Ascia, Hanan Alnehadah and Sondos whose most famous Kuwaiti instegramer have the similar audience?s attention of adoring fashion and makeup. Send some sample products that Addooney Beauty distinguish themselves by as a gift and let them talk about it on their account.

Try to give customers some gifts to make them feels their importance to Addooney that will lead them to be loyal. Types of gifts can vary for example, giving some discount for loyal customers or sending samples of new products and take their feedback on considerations. After certain number of purchasing let them to save some Qatari Riyals in special account in the website that enable customers using it in the next time of purchasing.

Pricing – How is the firm going to set and adjust prices for their products/services within online environment. Remember most people go to Internet to find cheaper price and good deals. Hence you need to come up with a practical and robust pricing framework. May be looking at what the firm?s competitors are charging is a good start in establishing a price base line.


Operations ? In this section you should discuss the equipment, software, expertise that may be needed in successful running of the website and related e-marketing operations. The key questions which may need answering could be: who is going to design and the website, who is going to formulate and run e-marketing campaigns, and who will be responsible for updating and maintain the website.

My part!

Risk analysis: Remember the .com bubble burst in early 2000 when a large number of internet based firms disappeared over night. In this section you should identify and define the major risks and threats that may affect the firm performance.

Now you should have reasonable understanding as to what is involved in developing a basic E-Marketing Plan. Remember the most important points are:

Addressing the role of internet in marketing firm?s products/services

Online Consumer Behavior :NOT MINE

Virtual competition: NOT MINE

Internet Pricing mechanisms: NOT MINE

Internet related risks and uncertainties


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