My ideal classroom within my ideal school



– What experience would the pupils in your ideal classroom have of the school day?
– What would be the nature of teaching and learning (pedagogy) in the ideal classroom?
– How would your school’s curriculum fulfil its aims?
– What qualities would your school aim to encourage in its pupils?
– What kinds of knowledge and values would pupils develop?
– How would the teachers engage in improving classroom practice?

1. You are not being asked to answer all of these questions or in this order. The questions above are simply
triggers for your thinking but you must focus on both your ideal classroom and your ideal school as part of the
2. The assignment is based on the module activities and so the reflective journal will be of help in writing, as
will the reading you completed. You need to make sure you make reference to the prescribed reading and any other
reading you have done to support your account.
3. Your account of My ideal classroom within my ideal school needs to be an informed one, with some notion of the
strengths and weaknesses of what is being proposed, not purely based on personal opinion.

In writing the assignment, you should make reference to some of the ideas already discussed in the module and any
others which you find independently.
– You could make reference to ideas on educational values from the chapter by Mike Bottery which we discussed in
one of the introductory seminars.
– You could make reference to the ideas of John White on curriculum aims in a changing society or the ideas of
Paulo Freire on banking and problem-solving education.
– You may well wish to refer at some point to the ideas of Ivan Illich or to the chapter on the hidden curriculum
by C.J.Marsh.
– You could explore and reference Trilling and Hood?s ideas on ways in which the
Knowledge Age changes educational aims.
– In your account of the ideal classroom, you might make use of material from the chapters by Kress et al.,
Kutznick et al., Hargreaves and Moyles.
Your assignment will be assessed according to Masters level criteria and you will need to use the Harvard system
of referencing. Further details are available in section D of this guide.
In order to be successful in this first assignment,
– your writing will need to be well organised and skilfully written.
– you will need to show originality in the explanation of your ideal classroom and school and their underlying
principles, justifying your ideas with thoughtful and critical arguments.
– you will need to show that you have understood the practical applicability of theoretical ideas in the
background reading, and
– you will need to accurately reference this material when you use it in support of your judgments and arguments.



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