nursing research

I’m studying for my Writing class and need an explanation.

Using the Week 2 research template, identify the research components, listed on the template, as you begin to examine research studies. Review your two assigned articles and address each of the following criteria:

Nursing Research

Nursing Research

1. Describe evidence-based practice (EBP) and its relationship
to nursing research, nursing practice, and healthcare.
(Domain – Educative Practice, Evidence-informed Practice,‘
Process – Scholarship, Patient Safety)

2. Articulate and discuss the importance of research in
advanced nursing practice. (Domain – Evidence-informed
Practice; Process – Scholarship, Patient Safety)

3. Discuss the evolution of research and measurement in the
advanced practice clinical setting. (Domain – Educative
Practice, Evidence-informed Practice; Process – Scholarship)

4. Differentiate between common assumptions and types of
quantitative and qualitative research (Domain – Evidence-
infonned Practice; Process – Scholarship, Patient Safety)

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5. Differentiate between the steps of the quantitative and
qualitative research process implemented in different types of
published quantitative and qualitative studies. (Domain
Evidence-informed Practice; Process – Scholarship)

6. Describe the philosophical perspective of qualitative research.
(Domain – Evidence-informed Practice; Process – Scholarship)

7. Describe how epistemology directs research questions and
the collection and interpretation of data in quantitative and
qualitative research. {Domain – Evidence-informed Practice;
Process – Schoiarship, Patient Safety)

8. Explore the research processes for conducting
phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, historical
research, and exploratory descriptive qualitative research.
(Domain – Evidence-infonned Practice; Process – Scholarship)

Requiredmssigned Reading
Grove, S.K., Burns, N. & Gray, J. (2013). The Practice of
Nursing Research: Appraisal, synthesis and generation of
evidence. 7″‘ edition. St Louis, Missouri. (Read Chapters
2, 3 & 4)
Clarke, A. (2013). From the ground up. Canadian Nurse, 109
(5). 20-24.
DiCenso, A. (2003). Evidence-based nursing practice: How to
get there from here. Nursing Leadership, 16(4), 20-26.
urcourses.uregina.caicourse/view.php?id=6852& section=2

Course: MNUR 80] Research in Advanced Nursing Practice (Fall 2014), Topic: Unit 2 (… Page 5 of 10
DiCenso, A., Martin-Misener, R., Bryant-Lukosius, D.,
Bourgeault, l., Kilpatrick, K., Donald, F.. &…Charbonneau-
Smith, R. (2010). Advanced practice nursing in Canada:
Overview of a decision support synthesis. Nursing
Leadership, 23(Special issue), 15-24.
Gerrish, K., Nolan, M., McDonnell, A., Tod, A., Kirshbaum, M.,
Guillaume, L. (2012). Factors influencing advanced
practice nurses‘ ability to promote evidence-based practice
among frontline nurses. Worldviews in Evidence Based
Nursing, 9(1), 30-39. doi:10.1111i’j.1741-
Enrichment Resources
DiCenso, A., & Bryant-Lukosius, D. (2010). Clinical Nurse
Specialists and Nurse Practitioners in Canada: A Decision
Support Synthesis. Retrieved from http:i’lwww.cfhi-!Librarieslcommissioned_Research_RepoitsIDice

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Dicenso, A., Martin-Misener, R., Bryant-Lukosius, D.,
Bourgeault, l., Kilpatrick, K., Donald. F., &…Charbonneau-
3 Smith, R. (2010). Advanced practice nursing in Canada:
Overview of a decision support synthesis. Nursing
Leadership. 23(Special Issue), 15-24. Retrieved from
Mclviaster University. (2013). Evidence-based practice
resources. Retrieved from
Pearson, 1.. (2001). Providing the best for our patients:
Evidence-based practice. Nurse Practitioner, 26(3), 11-12,
Scott, K., & Mcsherry, R. (2008). Evidence-based nursing:
Clarifying the concepts for nurses in practice. Journal of
Clinical Nursing, 18, 1085-1095.
“Activities! Discussion
Review the readings for this unit and post a response to each of
the learning activity questions. In order to enrich the discussion,
“I you must post a response to at least one of your classmate’s J
original postings. You may choose which learning activity to use
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for your response posting. You are always encouraged to
respond to more than one of your classmates‘ postings as well.
This creates rich discussion and debate in our online classroom,
and generates ideas that support your learning. Be sure to
provide rationale to support both your own posting and your
responses to your classmates. integration of appropriately
referenced literature sources helps you to demonstrate your
analysis of the issue and the critical thinking you have used to
frame your response.

Be sure to check the forum requirements for each unit, as they
may change depending on the topics being discussed.
Research and Advanced Practice
Start by reading the article by DiCenso (2003) to set the
foundation for our consideration of evidence-based nursing.
Even though this article is 10 years old, the information is
seminal to our discussions. Next, read the Decision Support
Synthesis Overview document (Dicenso, Martin-Misener,
Bryant-Lukosius, Bourgeault, Kilpatrick, Donald,
Charbonneau-Smith, (2010). You may wish to scan the full
report (Dicenso & Bryant-Lukosius, 2010) for details on any
pertinent points of interest from the overview document.
The two articles related to the Decision Support Synthesis
work are also included in an upcoming unit of your MN800
course, so you will be able to see how closely research is tied
to every aspect of advanced nursing practice. Next read at
rticle‘6y’Gerrish, et at (2012). a ‘conclusions can you
draw from these resources regarding the role of research in
advanced practice nursing? What gaps persist in knowledge
about the various ANP roles? How can research support
advanced nursing practice in your area?
Evidence-Based Nursing
P actice
Search for a research article that focuses on an aspect of
patient care or a clinical issue that was researched and
written by advanced practice nurse(s). Does the research fit
the definition of EBP as defined by DiCenso and colleagues
(2003)? Why or why not? Provide your rationale. What can
you take from the research to apply to your area of practice‘?
https://urcourses;section=2 9;’?/20 i

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Nursing research

Topic: Nursing research
Please pay special attention to the instruction. It needs to be done right the first time. I have no time for extension.
You will have an article to critique base on questions provided. You will also have a series of notes that will help you understand on how to answers the questions. Please use the notes. The notes will help you answer the questions correctly. You are supposed to answer all questions. some letter questions have more than one question. You must answer all the question within the question. Do not answer one part and not answer the other part of the question. When answering questions, do not say yes or no only. Please elaborate on your answer. For example, if the answer is yes, you need say why it is yes and vise versa. Please with each question you answer, make sure to associate the number and the letter of the question you are answering. Another word, make sure to put on top of each answer, the number with letter of the question then answer the question. Once again, if a question ask to give yes or no answer. Give the yes or no but you must elaborate on your answer and give reason. Also, please use the notes. They will help you answer the questions correctly.

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