nutrition project

Dear writer: this is the second time im posting this assignment. unfortunately the first writer did not follow the instructions or answered all the questions. u need to use the test book required to answer the questions also please cite all you work properly. i’m paying for 5 pages please answer each question and don’t skip any so that I don’t have to resend it for revision. you don’t have to write the question but please indicate them by stating the numbers and or A,B,C…questions here is my infos that you might need doing this assignment : Female, 37 years old, my height is: 5″5 and my weight is 140 pounds. slight activities. not a smoker or alcohol consumer. I have completed 3 days report in the days were the 21-22-and 23 of October. below are my infos to enter the website and get all the requirements from there :

nutrition project

Please take a look at all the attached documents…..Please have a clear understanding of the project rubric before going nany further with the project.  Thanks

Nutrition Project

Nutrition Project

Nutritional Assessment: (250 pts)
Assignment: Each of you will complete a 3-day dietary assessment for yourself and on one other individual (your client). Your client should have at least one ”different” characteristics than you. For example; gender, age, cultural, religious differences, or physical activity level. Before you begin the dietary analysis collect the following information: age, gender, height and weight, physical activity level and any special circumstances (pregnant, vegan, etc). You need to report this information for yourself and your client.

The interviews: Write down all dietary (including liquid) intake for three days for yourself and your client. Include at least one weekend day. For the client, interviews should be done on three different days. During the interview, be sure to ask about serving sizes, portions and leftovers. Be as thorough as you can and estimate serving sizes. Record as much detail as you can- for example- do not simply write turkey sandwich, include the mayo, cheese, onions, lettuce, turkey and mustard along with the two large slices of bread. When interviewing, be sure to ask questions to help jog their minds. For example- what time did you eat lunch? Where did you eat dinner? Did you eat or drink before you went to bed? This will be your original data sheets. You are required to have original data sheets for both you and the client. If your client handwrites the data for you (or if you handwrite your data)- you will need to scan in a copy of the original data sheet. I have provided sample original data sheets at the end of this document- please feel free to use these.

Diet analysis software options:

Mydietanalysis 4.0. The URL is HYPERLINK ""
If you purchased Mydietanalysis 4.0 packaged with the book, register for access to the diet analysis program using the code you received when you purchased your book (it should be on the inside front cover of the book).
If you need to purchase access, you can also purchase an access code at this website.
If you bought the MyDietanalysis 3.0 CD run the program on your computer. You will need to have the CD loaded in your computer for the program to run.
Once you have registered you need to log in. Go back to HYPERLINK ""
Renshaw Computer Lab:
Use the EHSA software available on the computers in the Renshaw computer lab.
Estimate the nutrient values of the foods for the three days. Complete a dietary assessment using the MyDietAnalysis software. For each client (yourself and your client) make a new profile. Make your own profile before you do your clients so you know what questions to ask your client!

The required nutrients are:
A. Macronutrients: Total calories, Protein (gm and % DV), Fat (gm and % DV), saturated fat (gm and %DV), carbohydrate (gm and %DV), cholesterol and fiber. Be sure to compare the macronutrient percentages to the current recommendations (Carbohydrate 45-65%, Fat < 30% and protein 10-15% of calories).
B. Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium,
C. Vitamins: A , C, E, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, B-6, Folate, B-12
D. Other: Cholesterol, dietary fiber, hydrogenated fats & water. For water, be sure to address the amount of intake as assessed by the nutrition software program.
Feel free to assess additional nutrients.

If the client is taking a supplement (multivitamin) – you will need to run the program WITHOUT the multivitamin- print the reports and then run again WITH the multivitamin.

The reports that you will need to complete the assessment include: for the three day average: (do not turn in the daily reports- only the three day average!) Calorie and fat sources, Actual Intakes -vs- Recommended intakes, myplate, and myfoodlist. you will need to incorporate the reports in your final document. There are several ways of doing this- you can email them to yourself and then copy and paste them into the word document; or change format type to XLS, click on show reports and save to your computer. Then you can copy and paste into a word document. Or you can save them as a PDF and upload as a separate attachment. If your client is using a supplement- save the reports without the supplement and again with the supplement. PLEASE NOTE: I prefer that you post only one document with all of the reports and the assessment (questions and counseling).

Dietary analysis (1 paragraph for each question): (note- you need to complete q1-4 for yourself and for your client).
1. For each of you and the client discuss the macronutrient, cholesterol and fiber intake. How do their percentages of fiber, fat, saturated fat, trans or hydrogenated fat, protein, cholesterol and carbohydrate compare to the DAILY recommendations? . Be sure to compare the macronutrient percentages to the current recommendations (Carbohydrate 45-65%, Fat < 30% and protein 10-15% of calories) – this information is found on the calorie and fat source report.
2. For each client compile a table which lists all the vitamins and minerals which are deficient and/or excessive (± 25%) and the DRI for each. For each client, discuss possible outcomes of deficiencies or excess found in vitamins or minerals. Use the DRIs listed in your book as your guide (inside cover of your book).
3. How much fluid did your clients intake? Is this adequate? Be sure to use the dietary analysis program to assess fluid intake.
4. Provide a brief analysis of each diet compared to the myplate recommendations. Please do not just re-list the servings- provide a discussion.
5. Briefly compare and contrast the two diets. Analyze the similarities and the differences. Discuss possible reasons why the diets may have been similar or different. (ie. Similarities or differences could be attributed to: dinning together, culture, socioeconomic, activity level, timing of meals, etc)
Counseling (1-2 pages for each person).
6. For yourself: How can you improve your nutrition, give at least four specific recommendations. Do not just list categories of food (like increasing carbohydrates, cutting down fats, increasing vitamins and minerals). Be specific- how are you going to improve your diet? What specific nutrients are you targeting. Use the information from your dietary analysis to guide your counseling recommendations.
For your client: You are the nutritionist- Write a one to two page summary of their diet intake and provide specific recommendations to improve their diet. This will be given to your client! Please provide an email address for your client (can be a unit number) on the client counseling sheet (-5 points if it is missing!).
What to turn in to the assignments drop box: A Word document with the following included:
(C) Cover sheet: Title, your names and email, clients name and email address. (5 points)
(O) Original data collection forms (diet survey)- these may be hand written (and scanned)- could be typed- if your client wrote out their intake on a piece of paper- then scan in the original document!!! (25 pts)
(R) The reports that you will need to complete the assessment include: for the three day average: (do not turn in the daily reports- only the three day average!) Calorie and fat sources, Actual Intakes -vs- Recommended intakes, mypyramid, and myfoodlist. If your client is using a supplement- print the reports without the supplement and again with the supplement (50 pts) (-5 pts for missing report)
(Q) Answers to dietary analysis questions for each of you and your client. (90 pts)
(C) Counseling sheets. (80 pts)


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