Presentation or speech

Self-Concept – refers to how you perceive yourself: your feelings and thoughts about your strengths and weaknesses, your abilities and limitations.

Self-Awareness – the degree to which you know yourself and know how you appear to others;

One tool commonly used to assess self-awareness is the Johari Window, a metaphoric division of the self into four areas

Self-Esteem – a measure of how valuable you think you are; how good you feel about your perception of your self. Increasing self-esteem leads to a better personal and professional


Self-Disclosure – communication in which you reveal information about yourself, your history, your circumstances to others; moving information from hidden self to the open self

Perception – an active process by which you become aware of objects, events, and people through your senses and the lens of your past experiences and your desires, wants and needs, loves and hatreds. Our perceptions influence our communication choices including who we choose to interact with, where we choose to interact, what we choose to share, how we choose to share, as well as our understanding of what we have created through our interactions with others

Presentation or speech

Presentation or speech
Speech #2: Synthesis of Two Sources
The requirements are two-fold: first, you must choose a topic that relates in a significant way to one of the topics listed above, and second, you must make an argument or pursue a point – I do not want a straight report (examples of satisfactory and unsatisfactory thesis sentences are listed on the reverse). i chose food allergy
You will give a seven-minute extemporaneous speech in which you synthesize two sources to draw conclusions. In effect, you will strive to do on a small scale what you’ll do on a larger scale in your researched essay. You may even be able to eventually incorporate parts of this assignment into your researched essay – for that reason, the sources you choose should relate to the topic you’ve tentatively picked. Here are some guidelines and suggestions:
• During your speech, you can use your key-word outline as well as a separate sheet that includes quotes you will use. (It will be necessary to employ quotes from both of your sources.) Note that you will not be reading your speech, and it is unwise to attempt to memorize it. There will be an emphasis on relying on your notes as little as possible.
• Start with an introduction that includes your thesis statement, a “hook” meant to draw in the audience, and a preview of what you’ll cover. Be sure your thesis makes is narrow, specific, and arguable.
• In the body of the speech, support your points by using evidence from the sources. This evidence will include quotes, paraphrases, and summary.
• The role of summary is important to consider. Because your audience will not be familiar with your precise topic or with your sources, you will need to include brief sections of summary.
• Use your thesis statement, topic sentences, and transitions to ensure a clear organization.
• Conclude by restating your thesis, and finish strong by reiterating the importance of your message.
• During the speech, provide documentation in the form of verbal acknowledgment, before and after the quoted or paraphrased section. Signal phrases, such as “according to,” will be necessary to clarify transitions. It is important that, as audience members, we know when material is based on sources, through direct quotation or paraphrase, and when you after expressing your own perspective.
• Include a “Works Cited” entry, both in the full-sentence and key-word outlines.





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