Professional Development: Create a brief training program for staff

Professional Development: Create a brief training program for staff
Assessing and responding to staff needs and attitudes regarding child protection knowledge, skills and responsibilities .
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Interview/survey 3-5 colleagues to ascertain their levels of knowledge of key child protection issues and their levels of comfort in responding to their child protection responsibilities.
You will need to establish the following:
1. Can staff members identify maltreatment? (eg Ask them to give examples of indicators of neglect, emotional abuse, domestic violence, sexual abuse and physical abuse. )
2. How comfortable do they feel discussing aspects of child maltreatment? (eg On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable would you be talking or reading about child abuse? What difficulties if any would staff have in dealing with child maltreatment?)
3. What do staff know about responding to disclosure? (eg Ask about what they would do to approach a child on this subject and how would they communicate about the maltreatment.)
4. What do they understand about trauma and its impact on the child?s learning and development? (eg How are children affected by being abused especially regarding learning and behaviour?)
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5. What action would staff take to deal with their suspicions of a child in their care being maltreated by parent/s? Ask about policy/procedures within and outside of your organization, so that the child?s safety can be guaranteed.
6. What can be done to prevent child abuse? (Ask staff for their ideas on how to prevent children being mistreated by parents. Ask what can be done to prevent children being mistreated within educational/health settings.)
7. List your results for each question in a chart. From your results identify the three areas where knowledge is strongest and weakest.
8. Next, using your knowledge of child protection based on your classwork and reading, provide a rationale by explaining your choice of three areas (based upon Briggs, 2012, chapter 3; Briggs, 2006; Watts, 1997 etc in 750-1000 words) that in your view are the most important topics to be taught.
9. Such topics should include at least one type of abuse, how to respond to disclosures and action to be taken to report abuse. These three areas then become your introductory professional development topics.
10. What are the difficulties staff are likely to have in being involved in this work and how might they be overcome? See Goddard , Saunders, Stanley and Tucci, 2002; Blaskett and Taylor, 2003 and Walsh et al, 2005; Johnson, 1995).
choose 3 type of abuse sexual and physical and emotional as a result of the servay for teacher
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Professional Development: Create a brief training program for staff

Professional Development: Create a brief training program for staff

Assessing and responding to staff needs and attitudes regarding child protection knowledge, skills and responsibilities .
Interview/survey 3-5 colleagues to ascertain their levels of knowledge of key child protection issues and their levels of comfort in responding to their child protection responsibilities.
You will need to establish the following:

1. Can staff members identify maltreatment? (eg Ask them to give examples of indicators of neglect, emotional abuse, domestic violence, sexual abuse and physical abuse. )
2. How comfortable do they feel discussing aspects of child maltreatment? (eg On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable would you be talking or reading about child abuse? What difficulties if any would staff have in dealing with child maltreatment?)
3. What do staff know about responding to disclosure? (eg Ask about what they would do to approach a child on this subject and how would they communicate about the maltreatment.)
4. What do they understand about trauma and its impact on the child?s learning and development? (eg How are children affected by being abused especially regarding learning and behaviour?)
5. What action would staff take to deal with their suspicions of a child in their care being maltreated by parent/s? Ask about policy/procedures within and outside of your organization, so that the child?s safety can be guaranteed.
6. What can be done to prevent child abuse? (Ask staff for their ideas on how to prevent children being mistreated by parents. Ask what can be done to prevent children being mistreated within educational/health settings.)
7. List your results for each question in a chart. From your results identify the three areas where knowledge is strongest and weakest.
8. Next, using your knowledge of child protection based on your classwork and reading, provide a rationale by explaining your choice of three areas (based upon Briggs, 2012, chapter 3; Briggs, 2006; Watts, 1997 etc in 750-1000 words) that in your view are the most important topics to be taught.
9. Such topics should include at least one type of abuse, how to respond to disclosures and action to be taken to report abuse. These three areas then become your introductory professional development topics.
10. What are the difficulties staff are likely to have in being involved in this work and how might they be overcome? See Goddard , Saunders, Stanley and Tucci, 2002; Blaskett and Taylor, 2003 and Walsh et al, 2005; Johnson, 1995).
choose 3 type of abuse sexual and physical and emotional as a result of the servay for teacher


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