Results and Discussion of Research
Reporting Research
The paper should have the following format:
Results (findings)
Discusson/ conclusions.
Also refer to instructions below.
I need to finalize my dissertation. I am attaching the IRB application to help you gather data and you can make-up the results section and discussion section. Please include 2-3 of the following in an Appendices such as a spreadsheet of raw data, research log; data summary of each stage of a content or thematic analysis, and supplemental analyses, such as correlation matrices, analysis of variance tables, charts, figures, graphs, and flow charts. You are expected to make liberal use of appendices in your research report to show the raw data and all the steps taken to process the data. Without careful presentation of what has been done to the data, between its collection and the presentation of findings, research process often remains a mystery, the research cannot be replicated, and it stands as not much use to you and other researchers in the future. For example, the report becomes a valuable resource when, in the case of research interviewing, a sample interview (transcribed) is included, along with notes or other indications of how the material was analyzed or coded.
What makes this assignment important is the emphasis on reporting the findings of your study (Results) and interpreting the findings (Discussion). The last section should also include some discussion of what you have learned about doing research, your self-assessment of your mastery of the research skills providing the focus of the course, and the strengths and weaknesses of what you now know from completing the study. At this point, it should be both obvious and gratifying to provide the written Discussion section that is key to the culmination of your practicum by communicating to the instructor your understanding of research.