sleep deprivation proposal

sleep deprivation proposal
Structure of Research proposal
In the research proposal you will describe the research that you will
conduct during the semester and provide a copy of all the materials you
will give participants. The research proposal will include your (revised)
literature review, research question and hypotheses, as well as a
description of the methods you will use to collect data. The research plan,
methods and techniques need to be described in sufficient detail to
ascertain the appropriateness of the proposed method to answer the
research question the feasibility of the proposed approach and the ethical
implications of your research. Your tutor will review your proposal to
ensure that it is compliant with the class ethics approval*.
The study questionnaire should be attached as an appendix as well as the
materials you will use to recruit participants including the standardised
verbal script, a letter of introduction from the topic coordinator, a
participant information sheet and a participant consent form.
The following sub-headings should be used and follow the prescribed
Background ( first paragraph) includes:
• Literature Review
• Research Question
• Aims and Hypotheses
• Research Plan, Methods and Techniques ( second paragraph) includes:
• Study Design
• Participants and Recruitment
• Data collection
• Ethical Implications ( for this part please have a look to the comment in the next page)
• Appendices
Dear students In regards ethical Implications have a look to my below comment,
For those looking for additional information to include in their description of the ethical implicatiions of their research as part of the research proposal, in addition to the week 1 reading (Branauck-Mayer A (2002) The ethics of participating in research), you may like to look through the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in research involving humans available from here:
If you focus on Section 1: Values and Principles of Ethical Conduct, this will give you some additional ideas for the things you want to be thinking about in relation to your research and is a good reference to include with your research proposal.

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