Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Analysis Read the New York Times article “Front Line in Day Laborer Battle Runs Right Outside Home Depot” ( and answer the following questions: 1) What stakeholders are involved in this situation and what are their interests? 2) What stakeholder is most important in this case and why? 3) What legal and ethical issues does the company face in this case? 4) What action should the company take and why?

Stakeholder Analysis


Using the DMV Case Study and the Stakeholder Analysis Exercise spreadsheet provided, you will complete the three columns of the spreadsheet for each of the ten stakeholder groups listed on the spreadsheet.

First, explain the interest or concern that the stakeholder has in the development of the EA. Then, identify their “class” or role in the EA as one of the four shown above (Key Player, Keep Satisfied, Keep Informed, or Minimal Effort). Finally, briefly explain your reasoning for selecting the class/role that you did.

Complete the spreadsheet and submit it via your Assignments Folder by the due date shown in the class schedule. Note: The filename of your submission should include your last name. An example would be: Smith_Stakeholder_Analysis.xls.

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Analysis

Prepare a paper that defines and describes the philosophy, methodology, and overall purpose of performing a stakeholder analysis, determining a communication management plan, and applying a quality management plan.




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