Topic: Education Vet System evolution and philosophys in australia

Topic: Education Vet System evolution and philosophys in australia

Order Description

Assignment Task Requirements

There are two main tasks to complete for this assignment:

1. An essay
2. A critical reflective writing piece (work length 250-500 words)
Please note that you are requested to submit both tasks to complete the assignment.
Task 1: Write an Essay

Using the concepts, theories, principles, and information found in the unit materials, and/or other relevant information sources, respond to the following task:

Critically analyse and discuss the issues and challenges your workplace (or one with which you are familiar) and/or industry have had to grapple with to effectively

respond to the impacts of global and/or national developments in workplace education and training.

Discuss the degree to which the responses made by your workplace/industry reflect ‘best practice’.

In your answer indicate how your philosophical approach, and/or that of the specified workplace/industry sector, may have influenced this response; and identify the

advantages and disadvantages for any organisation to achieve ‘best practice’ in workplace education and training.

Suggested strategy
To complete this Assignment you will need to have read Topics 4 – 5 in detail, and you may find it useful to refer back to Topics 1 – 3.
1. Describe the education and training programs in your workplace and/or industry.
2. Review recent changes which have occurred to the design and delivery of education and training activities and programs in your workplace and/or industry.
3. Discuss the links between these changes and some of the national and international developments discussed in this Unit.
4. Identify some of the issues or problems which have had to be faced by your workplace and/or industry, particularly in meeting the changing requirements of the

national VET system (eg introducing CBT, or developing training packages, or accessing qualified trainers or training providers, best practice policies).
5. Reflect on the degree to which these responses could be considered best practice (NB: you may also want to provide a definition of what you consider ‘best practice’

to be).
6. Draw out your own conclusions regarding the costs and benefits of recent changes in workplace education and training for your own practice, and the issues you

expect to face in the future.
Formatting Your Essay
1. Save Filename As: Your Name Assignment 2 (e.g. John Smith Assignment 2)
2. Use a 10 or 11pt font size.
3. Use 1.5 or double line spacing.
4. Add a 4cm wide margin on the left hand side.
5. Add a title page (Assignment Title, Unit Code, Your Name, Student Number, Total No. of Words, Date Submitted)
6. Use headings to clearly define each section of your essay.
7. Include a table of contents.
8. Add a Reference List at the end.
9. You may use Appendices – these are to provide additional information that adds information, but which is not essential to the understanding of the main discussion.
Task 2: Critical Reflection
You are requested to submit a critical self-reflection of your work with your essay. This is part of our philosophy of adult education for encouraging independent

learning skills and also to help me to give you the most useful feedback on your work. Your critical reflection can take the form of a Dear Kay letter in which you

might talk about:
• your overall approach to handling the topic
• whether there were any particular difficulties
• what you regard as its major strengths and weaknesses
• any help you require in handling future assignments
• any comments on the unit in general


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