value in kw-hrs

value in kw-hrs

Problem set 1

Assignment 1. Some basic calculations, including energy content and values.
1. a. Determine the value in kw-hrs of your basic energy consumption. If you live in a house or apartment that includes these in you rent, get these numbers from your landlord. If they are reluctant, you should have the right to know what fraction of your rent goes to utilities. If that doesn’t work, see me. Examine the energy consumption of you and/or your family. Typically in the Logan area, the largest energy costs are for electricity, natural gas, and transportation fuels [gasoline, diesel, etc.]. Assemble your values for a recent month, and calculate the total energy consumption. The table 1 below provides the conversion factors for energy.
b. Calculate your energy consumption in each sector in a $ cost per kw-hr.

Energy Source, unit
Crude Oil, barrel = 42 gallons 5.8 MM $95
Gasoline, gallon 132,000 $3.78
Natural gas, 1000 ft3@60oF 1.05 MM $4.00
Bituminous coal, broken, short ton 25.3 MM $64
Electricity, kWh 3600 $.09
Ethanol, gallon 80,100 $1.70
NOTE. M = thousand; [aka, kilo- or 103]; MM = 1000×1000 = million = mega = 106 . 1 Kj = 0.000278 kw-hr.

2. The data in Table 2 show the values for the Human Development Index [HDI] and the per capita energy consumption measured in kg oil equivalent for a variety of countries. The HDI value is a measure of development for human benefit – the level of health care, housing, food resources, access to transportation, jobs, etc. Plot HDI as a function of energy consumption [HDI on the y-axis, energy on X]. Describe the result. What is the per capita energy consumption “needed” to achieve an HDI of 0.90 or greater? Which countries exceed this value? Why?

3.3. Please refer to the latest analyses of US energy consumption and GDP data from the data in table 3. USE THE COLUMN MARKED “GDP in billions of chained 2005 dollars” so that the GDP value is set to a constant dollar value [this adjusts for inflation]. The oil consumption value is in millions of barrels of oil.
a. Plot the oil consumption in the US since 1980.
b. Plot the ratio of Oil/GDP as a function of time for the same period. Describe
the result. How has our country’s energy consumption changed over time? Have we become more efficient or less? Why do you think this might be?
4. The conversion from food calorie (fc) to a standard energy value is 1 fc = 4.187 Kj, where the K stands for kilo. Estimate the amount of energy stored in a filled soda dispensing machine, and compare it with your answer in 1.
Country HDI Country kg oil eq
Haiti 0.532 Haiti 285.6970607
Congo 0.601 Congo, Dem. Rep. of 289.3185168
Ethiopia 0.414 Ethiopia 289.9697745
Congo (Democratic Republic of the) 0.389 Congo, Rep. 356.5087487
Cambodia 0.593 Cambodia 358.4233895
Ghana 0.526 Ghana 415.4612446
Philippines 0.751 Philippines 450.6404183
Peru 0.806 Peru 493.8530397
Pakistan 0.572 Pakistan 512.1504248
India 0.612 India 528.9116975
Guatemala 0.704 Guatemala 620.3492063
Nicaragua 0.699 Nicaragua 620.9057574
Colombia 0.807 Colombia 654.8323587
Viet Nam 0.725 Vietnam 655.1237803
Honduras 0.732 Honduras 661.4043321
Nigeria 0.511 Nigeria 722.1883902
El Salvador 0.747 El Salvador 799.7693049
Egypt 0.703 Egypt, Arab Rep. 839.9393759
Costa Rica 0.854 Costa Rica 1069.574606
Mongolia 0.727 Mongolia 1182.100539
Brazil 0.813 Brazil 1238.985936
Turkey 0.806 Turkey 1369.8614
China 0.772 China 1484.018712
Thailand 0.783 Thailand 1552.582789
Mexico 0.854 Mexico 1750.200398
Argentina 0.866 Argentina 1850.193458
Chile 0.878 Chile 1850.790463
Jamaica 0.766 Jamaica 1852.156364
Hong Kong, China (SAR) 0.944 Hong Kong SAR, China 1984.579621
Poland 0.88 Poland 2547.470446
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.782 Iran, Islamic Rep. of 2603.946703
South Africa 0.683 South Africa 2807.419745
Ukraine 0.796 Ukraine 2952.997623
Italy 0.951 Italy 3000.625395
Israel 0.935 Israel 3058.871046
Spain 0.955 Spain 3207.517467
Switzerland 0.96 Switzerland 3405.85373
United Kingdom 0.947 United Kingdom 3463.775241
Japan 0.96 Japan 4019.065396
France 0.961 France 4257.742007
Korea (Republic of) 0.937 Korea, Rep. of 4585.541522
Russian Federation 0.817 Russian Federation 4730.042224
Australia 0.97 Australia 5887.673508
Saudi Arabia 0.843 Saudi Arabia 6222.764317
United States 0.956 United States 7766.411099
Canada 0.966 Canada 8168.637797
Germany 0.947 Germany 4027

Table 2. HDI and per capita Energy consumption for 48 nations.

GDP in billions of current dollars GDP in billions of chained 2005 dollars

1929 103.6 976.1
1930 91.2 892.0
1931 76.5 834.2
1932 58.7 725.2
1933 56.4 715.8
1934 66.0 793.7
1935 73.3 864.2
1936 83.8 977.0
1937 91.9 1,027.1
1938 86.1 991.8
1939 92.2 1,071.9
1940 101.4 1,165.9
1941 126.7 1,365.0
1942 161.9 1,616.8
1943 198.6 1,881.5
1944 219.8 2,033.5
1945 223.0 2,010.7
1946 222.2 1,790.7
1947 244.1 1,774.6
1948 269.1 1,852.7
1949 267.2 1,843.1
1950 293.7 2,004.2
1951 339.3 2,159.3
1952 358.3 2,242.0
1953 379.3 2,345.2
1954 380.4 2,330.4
1955 414.7 2,498.2
1956 437.4 2,547.6
1957 461.1 2,598.8
1958 467.2 2,575.4
1959 506.6 2,760.1
1960 526.4 2,828.5
1961 544.8 2,894.4
1962 585.7 3,069.8
1963 617.8 3,204.0
1964 663.6 3,389.4
1965 719.1 3,607.0
1966 787.7 3,842.1
1967 832.4 3,939.2
1968 909.8 4,129.9
1969 984.4 4,258.2
1970 1,038.3 4,266.3
1971 1,126.8 4,409.5
1972 1,237.9 4,643.8
1973 1,382.3 4,912.8
1974 1,499.5 4,885.7
1975 1,637.7 4,875.4
1976 1,824.6 5,136.9
1977 2,030.1 5,373.1
1978 2,293.8 5,672.8
1979 2,562.2 5,850.1
1980 2,788.1 5,834.0
1981 3,126.8 5,982.1
1982 3,253.2 5,865.9
1983 3,534.6 6,130.9
1984 3,930.9 6,571.5
1985 4,217.5 6,843.4
1986 4,460.1 7,080.5
1987 4,736.4 7,307.0
1988 5,100.4 7,607.4
1989 5,482.1 7,879.2
1990 5,800.5 8,027.1
1991 5,992.1 8,008.3
1992 6,342.3 8,280.0
1993 6,667.4 8,516.2
1994 7,085.2 8,863.1
1995 7,414.7 9,086.0
1996 7,838.5 9,425.8
1997 8,332.4 9,845.9
1998 8,793.5 10,274.7
1999 9,353.5 10,770.7
2000 9,951.5 11,216.4
2001 10,286.2 11,337.5
2002 10,642.3 11,543.1
2003 11,142.2 11,836.4
2004 11,853.3 12,246.9
2005 12,623.0 12,623.0
2006 13,377.2 12,958.5
2007 14,028.7 13,206.4
2008 14,291.5 13,161.9
2009 13,939.0 12,703.1
2010 14,526.5 13,088.0
Table 3. GDP of US in nominal and chained 2005 dollars.


Total 8
1949 31,981,503
1950 34,615,768
1951 36,974,030
1952 36,747,825
1953 37,664,468
1954 36,639,382
1955 40,207,971
1956 41,754,252
1957 41,787,186
1958 41,645,028
1959 43,465,722
1960 45,086,870
1961 45,739,017
1962 47,827,707
1963 49,646,160
1964 51,817,177
1965 54,017,221
1966 57,016,544
1967 58,908,107
1968 62,419,392
1969 65,620,879
1970 67,844,161
1971 69,288,965
1972 72,704,267
1973 75,708,364
1974 73,990,880
1975 71,999,191
1976 76,012,373
1977 77,999,554
1978 79,986,371
1979 80,903,214
1980 78,121,594
1981 76,168,232
1982 73,152,702
1983 73,037,732
1984 76,713,905
1985 76,490,692
1986 76,756,373
1987 79,172,664
1988 82,819,365
1989 84,943,729
1990 84,651,424
1991 84,606,296
1992 85,955,467
1993 87,601,399
1994 89,256,869
1995 91,169,286
1996 94,172,227
1997 94,761,405
1998 95,178,462
1999 96,812,431
2000 98,969,664
2001 96,316,206
2002 97,853,419
2003 98,130,959
2004 100,313,215
2005 100,444,707
2006 99,789,632
2007 101,527,089
2008 99,401,914
2009P 94,578,267
US oil consumption, in 1000x barrels.


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