Written Assessment of Photography project

Written Assessment of Photography project
Project Brief:
The group will produce a series of projects that investigate ideas of representation and identity.
You are required to plan, research and produce a series of 6-8 photographs that will constitute a photographic essay. The project when viewed will document and reflect on 6-8 separate yet connected aspects of a topic selected by you.
The photo essay will illustrate your interpretations of a theme, subject or title that has been agreed with your tutor, it should demonstrate a comprehension of some key ideas derived from the readings from this module alongside those from other modules that you are taking. You should be aware of how a single still image or a series of images can influence a viewers’ perception of reality, and how the photographers’ choices can affect representation and identity. The essence of the project must not be centred on our campus, you need go out into the community a find a subject that is new to you, your tutor will be on hand to give you advice and support with this element of the project, for many this can be the most challenging aspect.
The theme and the particular focus of the piece must be well researched and presented for acceptance by your tutor. We will be expecting your final piece to engage its audience, it may be informative, challenging, moving, controversial, revealing, disturbing…… it is really down to your interpretation the subject, however it is important that you can justify any decisions made, whether they be aesthetic, representational or other. You will be encouraged to think critically about how you represent people and place; you should be aware of stereotyped views and be prepared to make informed comment regarding all areas of subject chose. You should research existing imagery of people and place connected to your project and find what the unusual/unexpected view is.
The final piece will consist of 6-8 images that you have produced using the digital SLR Adobe Photoshop/Lightroom, the images will be presented within a single flash based web page.
Of the chosen images there should be a coherent narrative and message throughout, however the images should be distinctive in their own right. This will require you to approach the theme in a variety of ways and over a series of shoots. All imagery must be produced by you. Where appropriate you should obtain written clearance from any contributors to your project.




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